#Tendencias Elearning

Survey: Innovation in Training and Development in Organizations

6 de October de 2023
2 min


Disruption is the new normal. This should not be a headache or a cause for panic for organizations (or departments), but the impetus to embark on an exciting transformation journey.

Training and Development departments in organizations have a crucial role to play in preparing teams to take advantage of the new challenges that companies will face.

From Actua, we have created a short survey, with just eleven questions, to explore how these Training and Development teams are facing the challenges and embracing the opportunities offered by learning technologies.

We will raffle 50 copies of the book“Moonshoot Thinking: Transform Disruptive Innovation into an Opportunity” by Ivan Bofarull, Chief Innovation Officer at Esade, among all participants.

We will be Sponsors of Talent Day Barcelona 2023 and we will have Ivan, an innovation guru , as one of the stars of our round table!

We want to share the survey data at Talent Day, so the more professionals who respond the better. Cheer up!

Participate and we will also send you a report with the results of the survey.