
Innovation in Training and Development at Talent Day 2023

21 de November de 2023
4 min

At Actua, we are proud to have participated in the 2023 Talent Day of Equipos y Talento, a key event in the world of talent development and management. Our active participation included not only a booth, but also the moderation of a round table discussion entitled “The challenge of innovation in training and development in organizations”.

Ivan Bofarull, Chief Innovation Officer at Esade, captured the essence of today’s innovation by stating: “We need to be innovative.For the first time we have in front of us a technology that helps us to automate creativity, at least in the early stages of creativity. We often say that generative artificial intelligence is our companion and we ask it questions to make it better.”. He concluded: “I believe that artificial intelligence is going to ask us good questions and in the next 5 or 6 years we will learn to be more critical thanks to AI“.

We also had the pleasure of listening to Yolanda Moreno Sánchez, Talent Development Expert at Allianz, who emphasized the challenges inherent in the measurement of learning and its impact on organizations: “We are very pleased to hear from Yolanda Moreno Sánchez, Talent Development Expert at Allianz, who emphasized the challenges inherent in the measurement of learning and its impact on organizations.Measuring everything involved in a person’s learning is the challenge we face. We have invested in training and we must measure it, from the experience the person has, to what behaviors he/she is changing and what impact he/she is having in his/her area and, therefore, in the company..”

On the other hand, Allianz has made it a priority in its corporate strategy to cultivate a culture of learning and for that reason has implemented initiatives such as OneHourLearning and Forma2 where one hour of training per week is promoted and in addition 45 hours of training are compensated with an additional vacation day.

In addition, we still have open our survey on how Training and Development teams are facing the challenges and embracing the opportunities offered by learning technologies, the results of which will be revealing and will further enrich the discussion we had at the roundtable. Answer it and we will send you the results!

To close this inspiring event, Ivan Bofarull offered a signing of his book “Moonshot Thinking” at our booth. This allowed attendees to interact more closely with one of the most influential thinkers in the field of disruptive innovation and take away a valuable souvenir of the day.

At Actua, these moments of exchange and learning encourage us to continue working towards innovation in talent management. We are grateful to have been part of Talent Day 2023 and look forward to continuing to contribute to these important dialogues in the future.

Thanks to all who participated and joined us in this enriching event!