#Consultoría y Estrategia #Tendencias Elearning

Does your team have the essential skills for the AI era?

29 de April de 2024

With the impact of Artificial Intelligence it is crucial that Training and Development departments lead the adoption of AI in organizations.

Do you know why AI literacy is now a must-have skill for Training and Development (L&D) professionals?

We answer that and other questions in the webinar hosted by Jon Fletcher, Chief IA Strategist at The LPI, where we uncover the skills your team needs to succeed in an AI-driven environment and navigate the transformation effectively.

We also talked about:

  • AI skills for L&D
  • The Future of L&D in Organizations
  • Are you ready to lead AI adoption?

It is a 30-minute AI master class applied to the Training and Development department.

Sign up for Actua Learn, our client area, to access the recording!
